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Organized Group Application

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  • Organization Information

  • Group Information

  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • Program

    Program requests are considered tentative until a firm schedule has been approved by the group leader and Tamarack Camps.

    - Priority will be given on a first-come, first-served basis, based on return of the Organized Group Application and deposit.

    - In the event that programs are cancelled and unable to be rescheduled due to inclement weather, charges will be waived. All other program cancellations made less than two weeks prior to arrival are subject to a full charge.
  • If there are any other specific programs you would like to request, please list them here. If you would like assistance with choosing a program plan, please call our office at 248-627-2821.
  • Meal Information

    A minimum of 10 days notice is required to accommodate for any special dietary needs (vegetarian diet, food allergies, etc.)
    Camp meals include meals served in the dining hall and snacks delivered to your lodge.
  • Additional Information

    There will be a one-time set-up fee of $25 for each of these additional amenities.
  • Terms and Conditions

    Please review each of the Terms and Conditions described below and check each box.
  • I have read the above TERMS & CONDITIONS and acknowledge that it is my responsibility to be familiar with all registration materials, forms, policies, guidelines and details provided by Tamarack Camps as well as those required by my own group or organization. I understand that I am responsible for appropriate screening policies for any members of my group who have responsibility for or access to minors. I understand that it is my responsibility to have onsite: names and addresses of all participants, emergency contacts and telephone numbers, a listing of known allergies or health conditions requiring treatment, restrictions, or other accommodations, as well as a signed permission form to seek emergency treatment for minors who are without a parent onsite. I have reviewed and discussed the above TERMS & CONDITIONS with all members of my organized group and voluntarily agree to be bound hereby.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.